Today, all scientists in the world need to publish their research for professional development and career growth. When defending a dissertation, an obligatory requirement is an article in peer-reviewed editions of the Higher Attestation Commission. The reason for this is the necessary exchange of scientific discoveries among scientists. An important criterion is the uniqueness of scientific work. In this way, the scientist declares himself and his professional successes in the scientific field. The main task of this scientific platform is to create conditions for the publication of research by scientists and state certification.
A modern researcher needs at least 3 publications in the Higher Attestation Commission if he claims at least a doctorate. And even more than 15 works, if you want to go further up the career ladder and succeed in your profession. The study will be printed only after a thorough review and evaluation. The reviewer of your work will be the country's leading scientist in the field where you work.
Positive factors for successful consideration will be: proper execution of the work; relevance of the topic and compliance with its content; uniqueness and novelty in the study. These are just a few important criteria needed when publishing in journals included in the Higher Attestation Commission. When selecting scientific papers, pay attention to compliance with all the criteria, and if at least one of them is not met, the work can be returned for consideration. And if gross errors are made, then they can completely reject it without further possibility of re-filing.
We will help you prepare your scientific work in all aspects. We select a journal, taking into account the scope of the study, where you can publish your work. Let's check the text for the uniqueness/plagiarism of work. Our editors, professionals each in their field, work with any discipline and help to publish publications in various fields. Also, if necessary, we provide the services of our qualified translators, since when publishing in some journals, English or another foreign language is required.
Write all your questions to our e-mail, and we will help you.