
World Journal of Agriculture and Urbanization

Journal name: World Journal of Agriculture and Urbanization
ISSN: 2835-2866
Impact Factor:  9.2
Country: USA
Index:  Google schoolar, Cite Factor, Europub, ISSN, ResearchBIb,  and others 
Accepted Language: English

About Journal:  World Journal of Agriculture and Urbanization with U.S. ISSN 2835-2866 is established to reach academic excellence on vital issues of global science. It aims to publish comparative as well as collaborative interdisciplinary scholarship that will illuminate the global urban condition beginning with a strong footprint in the Global, i.e. the countries of  America, Asia, Africa, and Europe. A platform that brings together interdisciplinary scholarship on the urban, it is equally interested in critical and reflexive discussions on diverse forms and sectors of urban practice. It seeks to do so not only to inform urban theory, policy and practice but also to enable the construction of diverse forms of knowledge and knowledge production needed to allow us to understand contemporary urban life.

The Journal seeks to:

- Promote theorization of urban processes from the perspective of a wide range of practices that shape urban life.
- Publish comparative as well as collaborative interdisciplinary scholarship that will illuminate the global urban condition beginning with a firm footprint in the Global South.
- Provide a platform that brings together and puts into conversation interdisciplinary scholarship on the urban.
- Provide a platform that allows critical and reflexive discussion from and on diverse forms and sectors of urban practice.
- Enable diverse forms of knowledge and knowledge production particularly those that bridge the theory-practice divide as well as disciplinary and methodological boundaries.
- Learn from and inform urban policy and practice across a range of domains and sectors.

International Journal of Economy and Innovation (GOSPODARKA I INNOWACJE )

Journal name: International Journal of Economy and Innovation (GOSPODARKA I INNOWACJE )
Impact Factor:  9.4
Country: Poland 
Index:  Google schoolar, Microsoft academic, Index Copernicus, BASE, Universiteit Leiden, Cite Factor, Europub, PKP index, WorldCat, Dismensions, ROAD and others 
Accepted Language: English, Russian, Uzbek.

About Journal:  International Journal of Economy and Innovation is a peer-reviewed publication devoted to research in all perspectives of innovation management and economics, including organizational, regional and country-level development and advancement from multidisciplinary fields of research. International Journal of Economics and Innovation is a free of charge, double-blind and peer-reviewed biannually academic journal that publishes original scientific works in the fields of Economics, Business Management, Finance, Econometrics, Labor Economics, Public Administration, and International Relations in English and in Turkish. Authors are not asked any fee for their submissions. The journal publishes original research which would be of advantage to academics and practitioners. The main focus of this journal is the identification and classifications of innovative solutions for enhancing and improving economic development and advancement on all levels. International Journal of Innovation and Economic Development includes all the essential matters in its field comprising: innovation management; process, product and service innovations, green innovation, technological, organizational and marketing innovations, creativity, entrepreneurship, knowledge and technology transfers, knowledge administration, social innovations, innovation systems and systems, open innovation systems, intellectual property, technology adoption and strategy, technological and scientific advancement, knowledge economy, innovation economy, innovation policy, regional expansion, national innovation systems, international and global trade, international economics, financial economics, macroeconomics, microeconomics, sustainable advancement, and economic maturity and growth.

Journal of World Science

Journal name: Journal of World Science
Online ISSN 2828-9307 | Print ISSN 2828-8726
Country: Indonesia
Index:  Crossref, Index Copernicus, Google scholar, ROAD, Dismensions, Garuda and others
Accepted Language: English

About Journal:  Journal of World Science is an international scientific journal, double-blind peer-reviewed, open acces journal  published monthly by CV Syntax Corporation Indonesia.Journal of World Science provides a means for ongoing discussion of relevant issues that fall within the focus and scope of the journal that can be empirically examined.The journal publishes research articles covering all aspects of social sciences, ranging from Management, Education, Economics, Culture, Law and Sains that belong to the social context.

Publisher: Riviera Publishing.Is a scientific publication institution which includes publication of national scientific journals, reputable international journals, and assistance in the management of IPR (Intellectual Property Rights). Riviera Publishing is here as a solution for colleagues, both lecturers, students,  writers, employees, workers and entrepreneurs.

*International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology(IJEAT)

SSN (online): 
Impact Factor:

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