
Horizon: Journal of Humanity and Artificial Intelligence

Journal name: Horizon: Journal of Humanity and Artificial Intelligence
ISSN(e): 2835-3064
Impact Factor: 9.4 (ResearchBib) 
Country: USA
Frequency: Monthly
Index: Google scholar, Zotero, portal ISSN, ResearchBib, SJIF, EuroPub, Citefactor, DRJI, Index Copernicus and others 
Accepted Language: English 

About Journal: Horizon: Journal of Humanity and Artificial Intelligence is an open-access peer-reviewed research journal with U.S. ISSN 2835-3064 and a highly respected editorial team.   This journal publishes reviews, research papers, and communications. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. The full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced. The Journal of Humanity and Artificial Intelligence intends to foster successful research, highlighting new methods and frameworks that may inspire researchers to achieve even better findings. Articles published in Applied Sciences will be Open-Access articles distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The copyright is retained by the author(s). 

Web of Semantic: Universal Journal on Innovative Education

Journal name: Web of Semantic: Universal Journal on Innovative Education
ISSN(e): 2835-3048
Impact Factor: 9.3 (ResearchBib) 
Country: USA
Frequency: Monthly
Index: Google scholar, Zotero, portal ISSN, ResearchBib, SJIF, EuroPub, Citefactor, DRJI, Index Copernicus and others 
Accepted Language: English 

About Journal: Web of Semantic: Universal Journal on Innovative Education with ISSN 2835-3048 is an international, open-access journal with a rapid peer-review journal, publishing impactful research papers and reviews in any area of Multidimensional Subject.  The principal mission of the journal is to provide fair, fast, and expert peer-review to authors and a vetted selection of research, freely available to readers. A manuscript making strong empirical and theoretical contributions will be given preference in publication. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. The full experimental details must be provided to reproduce the results. Web of Semantic: Universal Journal on Innovative Education will provide a platform for the most exciting findings in this growing field. In addition to original research work, the journal features editorials, commentaries, reviews, books review, theoretical, research papers, state-of-the-science reviews, descriptions, and research on scientific behaviors to evidence-based clinical practice. Each article undergoes a peer-review process under the aegis of an assigned Editor. Web of Semantic: Universal Journal on Innovative Education is focused on critical and creative research. This journal seeks to promote original research and cultivate fruitful dialogues between previous and innovative thoughts.

Web of Synergy: International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (WoS)

Journal name: Web of Synergy: International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (WoS)
ISSN(p): 2835-3013    ISSN(e): 2835-3013
Impact Factor: 9.6(ResearchBib) 
Country: USA
Frequency: Monthly
Index: Google scholar, portal ISSN, ResearchBib, SJIF, EuroPub, Citefactor, DRJI, Index Copernicus and others 
Accepted Language: English 

About Journal: Web of Synergy: International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (WoS) with ISSN 2835-3013 is an interdisciplinary, monthly, open-access journal with a blind peer-review process, publishing qualified research papers and reviews in any area of Multidimensional Subject. Web of Scholars: Multidimensional Research Journal (WoS) is organized to establish excellence in research and scientific deployment.  The principal mission of the journal is to provide fair, fast, and expert peer-review to authors and a vetted selection of research, freely available to readers. A manuscript making strong empirical and theoretical contributions will be given preference in publication. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. Moreover, the full experimental details must be provided to reproduce the results. 

Среднее профессиональное образование

Journal name: Среднее профессиональное образование 
ISSN: 1990-679Х 
Country: Russia
Accepted Language: English, Russian 

About Journal: The journal "Secondary Vocational Education" has been published since 1995, among its founders is the Russian Academy of Education and the Union of Directors of Russian Colleges. The journal is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance with Legislation in the Sphere of Mass Communications and the Protection of Cultural Heritage. Registration number FS 77 - 22276. By the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the journal is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of science are published.

The journal is included in the list of HAC in the following disciplines: 

5.3.4. Psychology (19.00.00 Psychological sciences)

5.8. Pedagogy (13.00.00 Pedagogical Sciences)

The main goal of the journal is to promote the improvement of the quality of secondary vocational education, the integration of the educational process with science and practice.

The main objective of the journal is the effective exchange of information, the presentation of research results and scientific and methodological developments in the field of secondary vocational education.

The journal features:

· theoretical and empirical studies that contribute to the development of new approaches to understanding the place of secondary vocational education in modern Russian society, the mechanisms of its functioning and development;

· scientific and methodological developments devoted to various areas of the educational process of secondary vocational schools;

· articles devoted to current developments in the field of quality of secondary vocational education;

· materials on the history of secondary vocational education;

· research introducing foreign experience in the field of secondary vocational education.

Res Militaris

Scopus Journal 

Journal name: Res Militaris  
ISSN: 2265-6294      Quartile Scores: Q4 
Country: France 
Index:  SCOPUS,ROAD, Cite Factor, Web of Science, Crossref, DOAJ, DRJI, Ulrichs Web and others 
Accepted Language: English, French 

Frequency: Three times a year 

About Journal: Res Militaris is a bilingual (English, French), peer-reviewed, on-line social science journal dedicated to the study of Multidisciplinary issues. it is Multidisciplinary journal. It pursues a threefold objective : provide an independent publication outlet and forum for a growing European scholarly input in the military field ; stimulate intellectual exchange and international (notably transatlantic) debate ; bring some linguistic/cultural balance to an area of study hitherto dominated by English-language publications.Some fifty international (mainly European and North American) defence scholars have accepted to serve on its editorial board for peer-review purposes. A group of prestigious senior figures – academics, officers, journalists – forms its patronage committee.The journal originally (2010-2013) appeared at the pace of three issues a year, in Autumn, Winter-Spring and Summer. From volume 4 (2014) onwards, its periodicity of publication has shifted to two issues yearly, in Winter-Spring and Summer-Autumn.Interdisciplinary in character, it carries material conceived from the perspectives of sociology, political science, anthropology, psychology, geography, history, economics, law and management. It adopts a broad definition of the term “military”, to include all aspects of the nature, roles, organization, actual or potential use of armed force, and its internal or external consequences. Just as much as war studies, it considers internal security, conflict resolution and peace research to be part of the province it intends to cover. It welcomes empirical, analytic, comparative and theoretical approaches alike. As becomes a serious academic journal, Res Militaris is pluralist in value-orientation
The review is concerned with the two facets of military force and institutions, functional and sociopolitical, as well as with that substantive area’s four levels of analysis: international (context, role, management, and outcomes of the uses of force, internationalization of security), national (political-military nexus, armed forces and society), meso– (organization and profession), and micro-analytical (individuals and small groups). 

International Journal on Orange Technologies

Journal name: International Journal on Orange Technologies 
ISSN(p): 2615-7071      ISSN(e): 2615-8140
Impact Factor: 6.067 (SJIF 2022), 8.75 (ResearchBib)
Country: Indonesia
Direction: Philosophy, Education, Technology, Social Sciences, Computing Technology.
Index: Google scholar, portal ISSN, ResearchBib, SJIF, WorldCat, CrossRef, Citefactor, Academic Index and others 
Accepted Language: English

About Journal: An online international peer-reviewed journal called International Journal on Orange Technologies (IJOT) publishes high-quality original scientific papers, concise communications, letters, and case studies in fields related to research, advancements, and applications of orange technology and engineering. Review articles with excellent standards and current interest may be taken into consideration. Only papers that have not already been published or are not currently being considered for publication in another journal are taken into consideration for publication.

Publisher: Research Parks Publishing. Four open access, online, peer-reviewed journals from Research Parks Publishing, an independent worldwide publisher, are available in a variety of academic fields. Research Parks Publishing is dedicated to encouraging technical innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. The editorial team includes some of the top researchers in the globe. A number of conference papers and special issues in relevant topics, including publications from Luckybird, are also available. We make sure that scientists and researchers receive the respect and compensation they merit as well as the chance to contribute significantly to the worldwide scientific community.

International Journal on Integrated Education

Journal name: International Journal on Integrated Education
ISSN(p): 2615-3785   ISSN(e):     2620-3502
Impact Factor: 6.196 (SJIF 2022), 8.46 (ResearchBib)
Country: Indonesia
Direction: Philosophy, Education, Humanities, Social Sciences, Computing Technology
Index: Google scholar, portal ISSN, ResearchBib, SJIF, WorldCat, CrossRef, Citefactor, Academic Index and others 
Accepted Language: English

About Journal: The International Journal on Integrated Education (IJIE) is a peer-reviewed, open-access scholarly journal that publishes high-quality manuscripts in the form of original research articles, review articles, book reviews, case reports, and discussions to address significant and interesting issues, develop or test a theory, replicate prior studies, examine interesting phenomena, review and synthesize existing research, and offer fresh viewpoints with the intention of fostering future theory development.

Publisher: Research Parks Publishing. Four open access, online, peer-reviewed journals from Research Parks Publishing, an independent worldwide publisher, are available in a variety of academic fields. Research Parks Publishing is dedicated to encouraging technical innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. The editorial team includes some of the top researchers in the globe. A number of conference papers and special issues in relevant topics, including publications from Luckybird, are also available. We make sure that scientists and researchers receive the respect and compensation they merit as well as the chance to contribute significantly to the worldwide scientific community.    

European Journal of Life Safety and Stability

Journal name: European Journal of Life Safety and Stability
ISSN: 2660-9630
Impact Factor: 7.824
Country: Spain 
Index:  DOAJ,PKP Index, Google Scholar, ISSN, Crossref, BASE, WorldCat, Microsoft Academic, Dimensions and others 
Accepted Language: English

About Journal: European Journal of Life Safety and Stability ISSN 2660-9630 is to provide major points on the most recent developments in the theoretical and practical aspects of Safety and Security with the stability of life. The Journal covers areas such as safety and security, pandemy, security engineering; natural disasters and emergencies; terrorism; IT security; man-made hazards; risk management; control; protection and mitigation issues.
The Journal aims to attract and publish articles in all related fields, in addition to those listed under the List of Topics, as well as case studies describing practical experiences. Therefore, the study of multifactor risk impact will be given special emphasis. Due to the multitude and variety of topics included, the List is only indicative of the themes of the expected papers. Authors are encouraged to submit papers in all areas of Safety and Security, with particular attention to integrated and interdisciplinary aspects. Papers on the following topics that are in accordance with the aims and objectives of the Journal are welcome: Modelling and theoretical studies, Risk analysis, assessment and management, Multifactor risk impact, Integrated technological systems, Planning and strategy, Fire prevention and protection, Infrastructure protection, Industrial Issues, Transportation problems, Public safety and security, environmental and ecological protection, Emergency and disaster management, Terrorism prevention and protection, Forensic studies, Surveillance systems, System safety engineering, Threat assessment technologies, Human factors, Crime risk assessment, Homeland security, Creation of a culture of safety and security, Earthquakes, Early warning and response systems, Dangerous goods, Economic and political aspects, Safety and security in building, Food Safety and security, Cybersecurity / e-Security, Loss prevention, Critical infrastructure protection, BIM in safety and security and other related Case studies.

HIV Nursing

Scopus Journal 

Journal name: HIV Nursing
ISSN: 1474-7359
Country: United Kingdom
Index:  Scopus,CINAHL,Elsevier, Thomson Gale, Mosby Year Book, Embase, Cabell's, INANE,EMNursing and others 
Accepted Language: English

Quartile scores: Q4

About Journal: HIV Nursing has been developed as a forum for those at the forefront of caring for people affected by HIV. This peer-reviewed journal is supported by a highly respected Editorial Board drawn from a wide range of nursing specialties. This is further strengthened by an Advisory Panel, whose members make regular contributions to the journal. ISSN: 1474-7359 

HIV Nursing is intended to provide a medium for communication on issues relating to HIV care, which will be run by the care professionals for those involved in the day-to-day matters affecting the lives of patients.
HIV Nursing is listed in the CINAHL, Elsevier, Scopus, Thomson Gale, Mosby Year Book,  Cabell’s, INANE and EMNursing databases.

The Journal is printed quarterly and articles are available in print and on the website for NHIVNA members and other subscribers. 

American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research

Journal name: American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research
ISSN: 2690-9626
Impact Factor:  7.455
Country: USA
Index: Crossref, WorldCat, BASE, Google scholar, DOAJ, IJIFACTOR, CABI,Copas Naver Academic, CiteFactor, Core, Dimensions, GARUDA, Index Copernicus, DRJI, Havard Library, One Search, Academic Resurs Index and others 
Accepted Language: English

About Journal:  American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research is a fully international, open access, peer-reviewed American journal published by Global Research Liability Limited Company that focuses on the latest research across all disciplines of the social sciences, including anthropology, economics, law, linguistics, education, geography,   history,  political science,   psychology, sociology, and related areas. The journal is especially interested in interdisciplinary research and aims to facilitate the interaction and communication between different social science disciplines. The journal welcomes conventional-length articles as well as shorter Research Notes or short articles, as long as they meet the journal’s standards of quality and originality.

Journal of World Science

Journal name: Journal of World Science
Online ISSN 2828-9307 | Print ISSN 2828-8726
Country: Indonesia
Index:  Crossref, Index Copernicus, Google scholar, ROAD, Dismensions, Garuda and others
Accepted Language: English

About Journal:  Journal of World Science is an international scientific journal, double-blind peer-reviewed, open acces journal  published monthly by CV Syntax Corporation Indonesia.Journal of World Science provides a means for ongoing discussion of relevant issues that fall within the focus and scope of the journal that can be empirically examined.The journal publishes research articles covering all aspects of social sciences, ranging from Management, Education, Economics, Culture, Law and Sains that belong to the social context.

Publisher: Riviera Publishing.Is a scientific publication institution which includes publication of national scientific journals, reputable international journals, and assistance in the management of IPR (Intellectual Property Rights). Riviera Publishing is here as a solution for colleagues, both lecturers, students,  writers, employees, workers and entrepreneurs.

Miasto Przyszłości

Journal name: Miasto Przyszłości
ISSN: 2544-980x
Impact Factor:  9.2
Country: Poland 
Index:  Google schoolar, Microsoft academic, Index Copernicus, BASE, Universiteit Leiden.
Accepted Language: English, Russian, Uzbek.

About Journal:  This is an open-access, multidisciplinary, online research journal from Poland. Journal called "City of Tomorrow" has focused on the community deployment of urban and suburban destinations. The proceedings series of the journal aims to publish proceedings from various issues based on the theories and methods in the fields of socio-economical sciences, education, and humanities. All proceedings in this series are open access, i.e. the articles published in them are immediately and permanently free to read, download, copy & distribute. Each volume is published under the CC BY-NC 4.0 user license which defines the permitted 3rd-party reuse of its articles.


Vital Annex: International Journal of Novel Research in Advanced Sciences

Journal name: Vital Annex: International Journal of Novel Research in Advanced Sciences 
ISSN: 2751-756X
Impact Factor:  9.5 (ResearchBib 2022) 
Country: Germany 
Direction: Multidiciplinary
Index: Google schoolar, Microsoft academic, Index Copernicus, BASE, Universiteit Leiden, Research Bib, International standard serial number and others.
Accepted Language: English 

About Journal: Vital Annex: International Journal of Novel Research in Advanced Sciences (2751-756X) is open access peer-reviewed monthly journal. This journal covers the multidimensional scope of research while investigating major points of contemporary issues. The journal targets promoting advanced research in various disciplines of all scientific areas Research journal invites authors to submit novelty papers from multidisciplinary disciplines of both applied and theoretical research.

International Journal of Science Annals

Journal name: International Journal of Science Annals
ISSN:  2707-3637 (Online), 2617-2682 (Print)
Impact Factor:  
Country: Ukraine
Direction: Social and Behavioral Sciences, Education, Psychology, Health Care Science
Index: ISSN, Crossref, Open Access, DOAJ, Index Copernicus ,Google Scholar, GitHub, BASE, ResearchGate, OUCI, OpenAIRE, CORE, Scilit, ERIH PLUS.
Accepted Language: English 

About Journal: International Journal of Science Annals mission: international cooperation of scientists conducting research in the field of integration of human sciences and health. IJSA publishes research examining the Human as an exposure as well as an outcome. As an exposure, the Journal publishes articles examining how socium influences all aspects of human life and its health. As an outcome, the Journal invites articles that examine the pedagogical, psychological, medical interventions that may affect human development and its health. IJSA is a peer-reviewed and publishes Review Articles and Original Research in fields of Social Sciences, Psychology and Health Sciences.Founder: Kharkiv Regional Public Organization “Culture of Health” (abbreviated title – KRPOCH)Scientific Research Institute KRPOCH. Certificate to registration АОО № 49838922.04.2005


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